How much is it costing the council now?

Currently for a council call contact agent to receive a call there are number of steps they must follow:

  • create or retrieve the customer in their database
  • create a service request
  • write up the report with all the details taken from the citizen
  • capture the correct location
  • pass the report on to the back office

These calls can take between 4 and 15 minutes with can register at an error rate of 6%. Average call cost is about £8. Multiply this by the amount of calls each council receives you start to understand why a call centre costs so much leading companies to off-shore the service.

How much does it currently cost to receive a letter?

Firstly there is the cost of the postal room to handle mail. Secondly there are the processing costs. This entails routing mail, opening, analysis, sorting, filing, logging and building into an action plan. The average overall cost of this whole process is between £12 – £14 per letter received.

How much does it cost to receive a report submitted by iPhone on Online

10p – 41p with a 0.1% chance of errors.

Yes you read it correctly, 10p – 41p.


My Council Services gets the council informed. It delivers a report to the council which is complete, timely and accurate and can be routed to exactly the right members of staff. With the right information in their hand council staff won’t waste time investigating misleading, inaccurate reports with vague location information; staff will be able process the reliable report quickly and concentrate on just fixing the problem.

My Council Services allows citizens to get involved. Citizens will be able to receive up-to-date progress reports on their iPhone for each issue they have reported. They can also access all council news and events through the application. The iPhone has a wide demographic user base and is expanding rapidly, which means you are reaching out to this audience who otherwise would have limited involvement with the council. We will also be launching onto Android soon to widen the audience further.

Where is the problem, exactly? One of the biggest issues with raising current reports to the council is describing the incident location. Unless the location has a specific individual address, there is a reliance on the citizen’s description; that alongside a call center agent’s interpretation of where incident occurred can lead to expensive delays in locating and surveying the reported incident before the fix can be applied.

What it does….

Ability to send a report direct to the correct and agreed council staff
Ability to Geo Locate position of incident
Ability to photograph or video the incident
Google maps integration (zoom into terrain, street, map or satellite view – see next page)
The application is so easy to set-up and use
Use of simple drop-down lists for incident descriptions
Ability to freetext description and comment
Ability to provide feedback on council services


    Once subscribed to our premium service each council can benefit from our custom made interfaces immediately, which will enable reports to integrate into your own system, be it Oracle, SAP, Sieble…