There are still many councils that have not come to terms with the level of change required in order to deliver the public services needed for the future. Attempting to save money by cutting services is not the answer.

With local government moving from a service delivery role to a more strategic, coordinating one, the focus is on commissioning of services; the open public services agenda heralds a diverse new marketplace, with opportunities presented by close working with the private and third sectors, harnessing the business acumen, flexibility and entrepreneurship to deliver outstanding public services for less. Accountability – to users, taxpayers and those working in the public sector – is very important.

The government aims to increase choice, allow greater control, and enable personalisation of services through a revolution in digital public service delivery. Harnessing the power of new technology will transform public services.

At Public Service Events’ second annual Redesigning Local Services conference, My Council Services presented our vision for local councils.

See our keynote speech at the local government forum.

Part 1

Part 2